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Applicating The SR Theory - Learn How to Get a Positive Reaction

I met fifteen new people yesterday with different characters and backgrounds. Observing how those people react to one and another eager me to write a about an old theory which I believe still adequate for current situation. This theory could lead us to learn about how to make people give us a positive reaction.

The theory called Stimulus Response (SR) which absolutely familiar to the students majoring in psychology and communication. Triggered by John Dollard and Neal E. Miller, SR theory states that when we give a particular stimulus to an individual is given a particular stimulus, then that person will provide specific responses as well.

Cognitive and Behavioral Analysis

In simple terms, Stimulus Response is when our hands get heated, immediately we would pull it. When feel we will fall, we will immediately try to balance the body. This theory is rooted in the behavioral concept or human habits. This is controlled in the subconscious, thus we did not have particular time to control it. Very similar to the concept of reflex which in biology. Psychology said that the stimulus-response behavior is the basis of one's personality. For example, we will immediately get angry when we are accused of dropping a vase, though it is true that we dropped it. With anger as a reflex response, psychology would categorize us as a temperamental person not, because subconscious never lies.

In the next level, we could see SR theory from cognitive aspect by using the model of Stumulus - Organism - Respons (SOR). The concept implies that human being do not always respond immediately. Stimulus may probably be process in brain, and then brain will order it to give respond. In the fire incidents ones brain will order to call fire department and announced to local resident, based on the person cognition about fire incident respond. While, we can't deny that in such condition person subconscious may work at the same time because its got the threat signal. For example, one will get panic and run away from fire location.

Another example which may distinguish both concept is when one get late to school or work. If that person have never been late before, his brain will process "a best reason" to be late which may be asked by teacher or boss. Here, cognitive aspect play its role (SOR). In the other hand, when the person have getting use to be late due to traffic jam -for example- then he will spontaneously answer  –because of traffic jam- even though that time he got late for another reason. In this part behavioral aspect or habit influence that person to respond. (SOR)

Applying the SR and SOR in Early Impression With New People

SR communication model and theory may have been denied by the other communication models that present later. This shows the development of social science field. However I still believe that this model is the most relevant to explain our behavior towards others and vice versa.

The first impression we give will shows who we are. Sometimes we let the direct respons without try put some effort to make it better. For example, we may turn away when accidentally looked at each other, shook hands reluctantly (immediately released the hand before well hold it) and various unconscious response that could be a stimulus for others to react more negatively.

It is our habit to be defensive because our subconscious mind has embedded a kind of assumption that stranger could be dangerous. This is especially strengthened by our childhood experiences which always be remind by parents to not talk to strangers etc. However, we can not generalize all stimulus we get. Even though hard control them, such as meeting new people anywhere can occur without being able to be set, we at least should try to play our cognitive aspect (SOR) to control our response.

Stimulus response is similar to the rules of physics 'action-reaction'. It is written as a fixed rule and certainly applies. The reaction we get is the result of the action we did. It is an echo, what we call for we will re listen. When we smile to someone new, the person will smiles back though they are reluctant to do so. The response will be a new stimulus for us to respond by getting acquainted and start a friendship. This cycle continues on to become a form of interpersonal communication. This is the space between the stimulus and the response that we can control.

If we can apply SR and SOR well since the initial impression, most probably people will reply with a good reaction. And this is the way to control people since the very first moment we get to know them. Most great people throughout history had play the role of stimulus response in a very excellent way, thus anything they said seemed to be magical to influence great number of people.


  1. Saya setuju. Bila kita berbuat baik, kebaikan pula yang akan kita dapatkan. Ulasannya bagus bu untuk deskripsi ketika mengajar. Terima kasih.

  2. iyah.. itulah intinya stimulus respon. Bila kita bisa mengaturnya dengan baik. aman dunia ini.

    Thanx untuk mampir pak firman..^^

  3. Mungkin selain stimulus dan respon juga ada kesalingmengertian.

  4. benar sekali mas Puguh, bahasa kesaling-mengertian. saling menghargai juga.. sederhana seperti itu.

    Thanx udah mampir nih ya


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