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Make Social Media Your Portfolio - Share all your passions in one single platform, one single account.

Life has been changed dramatically. People migration from one social media platform to another is something that I hardly pictured ten years ago. But now, it’s kind of weird if you only use one platform and even weirder if you only have one account in one platform like Instagram.

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Some people who have more than one account choose to be anonymous because they are worried people will know about their interest. What does it mean? Are we denying that we have multiple passions, by making multiple identities in social media? Or are we faking ourselves?

For some people, changing the content of their Instagram account to something specific is unbearable when they imagine how this account fakes the very origin of themselves. So, despite changing the content, they choose to make a new account with that specific content, while they can still post about their life in the first account.

And yes, I did the same in the past. I made an account only about my poetry anonymously. I made another account where I share only about my knowledge in neuroscience anonymously. I made another one where I sell my preloved stuff (fashion and books) anonymously. And despite all those three, I still have one (the very first Instagram account) where I expose openly about my life.

Until one day I found community through Instagram who has the same interest in books. That community changed the way I see that platform. Despite exposing myself, it makes me choose to expose the better version of my life that probably (and I hope) would encourage the better version of people who follow me on instagram. I started posting about books and invited people to read more. Instagram gave a name for this kind of account, bookstagram.

In bookstagram, I dare to open about all my passions that I hid before. In fact, openly telling people that those anonymous accounts belong to me is very pleasant and relieving. Imagine the crowd of same interest people are waiting out there, giving us a chance to gain our community and reach our purpose, when we openly tell them about what we are doing. Surprisingly, they demand me to post more and more good content on a daily basis. So, I still post about books, still make poetry, still share about neuroscience, still write in a popular public blogging site, but I stop being anonymous.

It’s been a year since I started all of this. Voila, do you want to know what happened? It became a portfolio of myself. And the invitation of collaboration, writing project, and job that related to my passion unstoppably come into my email.

So readers, stop exposing your daily life, and start to expose your passion and let people know it in one single platform. I don’t say it should be Instagram, you know you have a great number of options. Find one that suits you. But you better start it now.


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